  1. 1. Journey of Appier (preface)
    1. 1.1. IGS
    2. 1.2. MeepShop
    3. 1.3. Trend Micro

Journey of Appier (preface)

Two years ago I join Appier, I join the AIQUA in the most chaotic time, but also a lovely time. I left Appier after two and a half years on 2021/08/27 to chasing another success.

In shorts, the result of what I have done in Appier was more like a summary of all my past work experiences.

I will try to document it and explain it. Here was what I experienced from company to company before joining Appier.


In IGS, I learned the basic scaling idea, including sharding, and horizontal service scaling. At the same time, I also learned how to profiling the DB query both in MongoDB and SQL server.


In MeepShop, it’s my first time to knowing the container ecosystem, including docker, docker-compose, and Kubernetes of cause. Also, it’s also my first time have a chance to get close to cloud service(GCP). Knowing lots of tools/frameworks like GraphQL, Protocol Buffers, GRPC, Let’s Encrypt, etc. Experienced of system migration (MeepShop V1 -> MeepShop V2), database migration (MongoDB -> PostgreSQL). Thank my friend bring me to Vim’s world, it made me more efficient while developing.

Trend Micro

In Trend Micro, I strengthened the DevOps skill and infrastructure provision. I spent most of the time read the AWS documents, try almost every service on AWS, including s3, SQS, SNS, EMR, CloudWatch, etc. I also learned some basic ideas on how to saving costs, how to monitoring the service, and how to do the DR site design. Sorts of the big data ecosystem, like Spark, Hadoop, and how to write the PySpark, how to manage/monitor the ETL pipeline.

All of the experiences in the past, help me achieve some almost impossible missions during the Appier.

In the end, I want to remind myself with few words. “Don’t linger in an established career

  1. 1. Journey of Appier (preface)
    1. 1.1. IGS
    2. 1.2. MeepShop
    3. 1.3. Trend Micro